Creativity is the key to Surviving

 Without creativity – you are doomed to live off the leftovers of others. Think about it. If you simply follow other people who have already found successful paths, you will arrive in time for their leftovers. By the time you arrive the people you are following will either have milked the opportunity dry, or the competition will be increasing so fast that the market will soon be saturated.

It’s very hard, timely and costly to compete in saturated markets. But if you can’t use your mind to creatively notice opportunities that others don’t see, that’s where you will find yourself.

And honestly, if you aren’t using your mind to creatively notice opportunities that others either don’t see or just haven’t noticed yet – what real good are you doing?

Surely what ever you do as a job will be replaced by technology soon. Creativity is the one skill that, once sharpened and directed, will be in high demand this decade. The ability to creatively find solutions to problems and notice opportunities that others haven’t seen yet is the key to surviving and thriving.